Northern Front (Soviet Union)

The Northern Front (Russian: Северный фронт) was a front of the Red Army during the Second World War.

The Northern Front was created on June 24, 1941 from the Leningrad Military District. Its primary goal was the defense of the Kola Peninsula and the northern shores of the Gulf of Finland. On August 23, 1941, the Front's forces were divided into the Karelian Front and the Leningrad Front. Lieutenant General Markian M. Popov commanded the Front for the three months of its existence.

The Front's major force structure was based on the 7th Army, 14th Army, 23rd Armies and the Leningrad People's Opolcheniye Army. Other forces included four Rifle Corps, two Mechanized Corps, seventeen Rifle Divisions, four Tank Divisions, two Motor Rifle Divisions, eight artillery regiments of the Reserve of Highest Command, eight Aviation Divisions (including one objective air division), seven Fortified Regions, one Fortified Position, and thirteen machinegun battalions.[1]

The formations of the Northern Front included the following subunits:


14th Army

14th Rifle Division defending the Petsamo sector
42nd Rifle Corps
104th Rifle Division
122nd Rifle Division
52nd Rifle Division
1st Tank Division
104 Gun Artillery Regiment of the Reserve of Highest Command
23rd Murmansk Fortified Region (Russian: Мурманский укрепленный район)
35th, 100th, 82nd, 72nd and 101st Border Guard Detachments
1st Mixed Air Division[3]

7th Army

54th Rifle Division
71st Rifle Division
168th Rifle Division
237th Rifle Division
541 Howitzer Artillery Regiment of the Reserve of Highest Command
26th Sortavala Fortified Region (Russian: Сортавальский УР)
1st, 73rd, 80th and 3rd Border Guard Detachments
55th Mixed Air Division

23rd Army

19th Rifle Corps
142nd Rifle Division
115th Rifle Division
50th Rifle Corps
43rd Rifle Division
123rd Rifle Division
10th Mechanised Corps (removed from the Army in early July)
21st Tank Division
24th Tank Division
198th Motor Rifle Division
101, 108, 519 Howitzer Artillery Regiments of the Reserve of Highest Command
573 Gun Artillery Regiment of the Reserve of Highest Command
102nd, 5th, 33rd Border Guard Detachments
27th Vyborg Fortified Region (Russian: Выборгский укр.район)
28th Keksgolm Fortified Region (Russian: Кексгольмский укр.район)
5th Mixed Air Division which was particularly tasked with preventing repulsing either amphibious or airborne landings in and around the Gulf of Finland coast.

Leningrad People's Opolcheniye Army

65th Rifle Corps

11th Rifle Division
16th Rifle Division (Ist formation; 22 June 1941 - 27 December 1941)[7]
4th Air Division (from the Leningrad Military District)

Hanko Peninsula naval base

29th Hanko Peninsula naval base Fortified Region (Russian: Укреплённый район военно-морской базы Ханко) (General Major Shore Duty Aleksei Borisovish Yeliseyev)
8th Separate Rifle Brigade (Colonel Nikolai Pavlovich Simonyak)[8]
Hanko Peninsula Border Guard detachment
13th Figher Aviation Regiment Separate Reconnaissance Air Squadron
Submarine Divizion
Torpedo Boat Brigade

8th Army

48th Army

Military aviation of the Leningrad Military District

7th PVO Fighter Aviation Corps (later the 2nd PVO Guards Fighter Aviation Corps)[9] commanded by Colonel Stepan Pavlovich Danilov[10] was responsible for air cover over Leningrad, using basing on 10 primary and 15 reserve air fields[11], and included
3rd Air Division equipped with I-16 fighters
54th Air Division equipped with Yak-1 fighters
191st, 192nd, 193rd, 194th and 195th Fighter Regiments (IAPs)[12]

Leningrad Military District forces

1st Mechanised Corps less 1st Tank Division which was concentrated around Sluttsk and Pushkino
70th Rifle Division in the Karelian Isthmus half way between Leningrad and Vyborg (Muola).
191st and 177th Rifle Divisions that remained at cadre strength awaiting mobilisation.
4th, 41st and 39th Air Divisions
Vessels of the Baltic Fleet were severely restricted by the geography and lack of air superiority in conducting offensive operations, however their ships batteries included guns in the 305mm, 180mm and 130mm calibres, and the Scientific-research naval artillery range also located in Leningrad possessed 406mm pieces that were being developed for future Soviet battleship designs, and these were without opposition until Germans were able to move the heavy rail guns to the area.

NKVD troops


  2. ^ Оборона на Севере (Defence in the North) - 22.6.41г.
  3. ^ 14-я армия
  4. ^ Kuusa was a Finnish village in the Muolaa municipality slightly to the northwest of modern Klimovo
  5. ^ Центральный сектор Красногвардейского укрепленного района (Гатчина)
  6. ^ history of the Izhorsk Factories (in Russian)
  7. ^ pp.13-14, Perechen No.5 - rifle, mountain rifle, motor-rifle and mechanised rifle divisions of the Red Army 1941-145, Soviet General Staff, Moskow, 1970
  8. ^ a b Журнал Санкт-Петербургский университет ISSN 1681-1941 / № 1-2 (3657-3658), 19 января 2004 года
  9. ^ 7 ХЮЙ обн -> 2 ЦХЮЙ обн
  10. ^ Operationally was subordinated to the 2nd Fighter Aviation Corps of PVO commander General Major M.M. Protsvetkin - Kusnetsov
  11. ^ Note that as a result of the blockade the Corps was severely reduced in its basing allocation to only four air fields.[2]
  12. ^ Kusnetsov
  13. ^ p.189, Lenski, Ground forces of RKKA in the pre-war years: a reference (Сухопутные силы РККА в предвоенные годы. Справочник.) — St Petersburg, B & K, 2000
